Your most valuable nonprofit resource

Your most valuable nonprofit resource

By Sara Perry
Published On Feb 14, 2020

Your organization is running on even leaner resources than normal. You’re likely wearing more hats than you did before. Now more than ever, you need to maximize every minute of your day to provide the same level of service to your members. For anyone managing payment processing for your Y or J, you might be familiar with how much time can be wasted managing credit card declines manually. It’s overwhelming to see how much time tasks like that can take.

As your organization’s most valuable resource, you shouldn’t have to spend hours each day managing declined cards. You deserve amore efficient solution.

Daxko’s through Gains address this issue and give you time back in your day, for our current situation and beyond the pandemic. By proactively updating invalid cards, strategically resubmitting declines due to insufficient funds (NSF), and managing remaining recovery efforts with inbound and outbound calling, these solutions decrease the time you spend in the Returns Manager.

After utilizing our full-service billing offering, The YMCA of Greater Omaha cut down time spent in the Returns Manager from 25 hours per month to just 6 hours, a 76% decrease.

Omaha’s team is now able to get important jobs done more efficiently and make an even greater impact on the community.

If your teams are wasting valuable time manually managing declines, we have solutions that can lighten the workload.

Daxko’s payment solutions help reduce time spent managing declines by:

1.   Prevent Declines from Occurring

Many declines occur when a member’s lost or stolen card has been replaced. We also know that 1 in 3 members will terminate their membership once this occurs. The integrated Proactive Card Account Updater prevents these declines from occurring, saving your staff time spent tracking down updated credit card information. An added benefit is fewer memberships terminate  when a decline is proactively prevented.

2. Outsource Resubmissions and Recovery

Full-service billing is the newest addition to our payment solutions and is composed of two services. The first includes removing the manual task of resubmitting declines due to insufficient funds (NSF). This is done leveraging SmartDate technology which determines the most ideal time to resubmit charges based on your member’s trends and data. The second portion includes inbound and outbound emails and calling. This helps tackle declines that fall into an“other” bucket. These typically have to be handled by talking with the bank and the member.

We know you want to be the organization that uses this challenging time period to grow your community. With Daxko’s payment solutions, you can go from feeling overwhelmed and in danger of losing members to being able to prioritize your time on the outcomes that matter most.

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