A closer look at Industry Trends for YMCAs, JCCs, and Community Centers
Anyone else tired of the standard 2020 introduction? We get it. We’re all anxious and we’re all living this together, so we don’t need to recap those details.
Instead, let’s fight that anxiety with action!
The best way to create a strategic plan forward is with information. The monthly Insights and Impact Report, powered by Performance Analytics, is a tool to help inform your choices as you recover lost revenue and best serve your community’s ever-changing needs.
On Tuesday, October 20, Christy Brown and Constance Miller unpacked stories informed by data and trends from the August and September reports.
Takeaways and Insight
While gross revenue is improving slowly month to month in 2020, it is still recovering compared to 2019. These numbers vary depending on the size of the organization, with childcare as a key factor in revenue growth for both August and September.
The trend for check-ins across all organization sizes is nearly identical, slightly improving in August and September. This is due to COVID cases being more under control, lifted stay-at-home orders, and creative solutions to virtual check-ins.
At first glance, this picture is not ideal. Membership joins across all organizations is well below 2019 numbers and terminations are well above. However, from August to September, joins increased 22% and terminations decreased 33%. This trend is an important silver lining. Furthermore, holds in these months are through the roof compared to 2019. While this currently puts a strain on revenue, all signs point to a positive trend in memberships once these plethora of hold members revert back to an active membership group.
Registrations were a big factor in gross revenue in August and September. With childcare registrations 160% of what they were in 2019, childcare was a driving force in all revenue recovery these months.
To compare how your organization stacks up, explore the full report!
As you fight for your communities, Daxko is fighting for you. Visit the Insights and Impact Report, view the trends across markets, interact with the YMCAs, JCCs, and Community Centers data, and even download a PDF to take with you.
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