I recently had the opportunity to speak with Ariella Franco, the Member Experience Director at the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region in Colorado Springs, CO about the work they’ve been doing with Daxko Engage. Franco mentioned that her YMCA has recently acquired some new centers that effectively doubled the size of their association. “There aren’t enough hours in the day for us to reach out to everyone. We needed a resource and Daxko Engage was that resource for us.”
When asked about the decision to go with Daxko Engage, Franco said,
“We needed a connection with members that was more consistent and more systematic. We didn’t have a way to really target people before. We offer new members a fitness goal setting appointment and we wanted to take that and extend that out to create more touch points with our members.”
Franco explained what first intrigued her about Daxko Engage,
“It was exciting from the perspective of being able to see your members as they scan into your facility and the integration with Daxko Operations. Daxko Engage offers a pleasing interface and it’s easy to use.”
She said the ability to give different roles access to the same information was appealing and would allow staff to build off of other interactions with a member. The YMCA staff “should be engaging with members and non-members with the same information.”
As for examples of benefits of using Daxko Engage, Franco said,
“With Engage we really can look to see how new members are doing and now we know more about them. We’ve added a 30-day phone call that didn’t happen before we implemented Daxko Engage. During that call we can prompt members that haven’t used their fitness appointment to sign up and we have noticed an increase in those appointments. Daxko Engage is really the best tool for this type of systematic communication.”
Finally, Franco had some advice for those looking to launch Daxko Engage. She urges new Daxko Engage users to set up some time to talk with other successful Daxko Engage users and find out how they have found the most success with the software. That way, “before your association launches, you can have some solid initiatives in place.” She also mentions that once you have initiatives that will help you train your staff on specifics that will apply to their day-to-day tasks.
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