The Daxko Engagement Index, a feature in Daxko Engage, is designed to provide quick visibility into an individual member’s current level of engagement. With the index, we are able to predict how likely someone is to terminate their membership in the next 90 days. You may have similar ways to view the members in danger of terminating at your organization. Early intervention is key when dealing with members in danger of terminating so identifying and engaging with critical members early can save your association time and money.

The Daxko Engagement Index is a complex algorithm that accounts for a member’s demographics, check-ins, donor activity, and other activity or inactivity to come up with a measure of how engaged a member is and how likely or unlikely they are to terminate their membership. Based on how members score on the Daxko Engagement Index, Daxko Engage ranks them in the following way:
- CRITICAL – This member has significantly low probability of staying. In fact, 75% of your terminations will come from this group.
- LOW – This member would have a low probability of staying within the next 90 days.
- MEDIUM – This member would have a medium probability of staying within the next 90 days.
- HIGH – This member would have a high probability of staying within the next 90 days.
- NEW – This member just joined less than 90 days ago and is too new to have a score.
What makes CRITICAL units different than those with the standard LOW label? History. We know from studying thousands of units that certain attributes make a member unit much more likely to terminate in 90 days. How did Daxko identify this new information leading to CRITICAL units? It’s not just one attribute or behavior that makes a CRITICAL unit at higher risk. It could be a combination of a few things or an absence of something. For example, the algorithm has shown that young adults who pay by invoice or have set expiration dates have a significantly increased risk of cancelling. If a young adult pays by invoice also has very low check-in history and a history of terminating frequently, then it’s likely they will receive the new CRITICAL label. If you have Daxko Engage or if you have your own way to calculate members at risk of terminating their membership, it’s a great idea to make a targeted initiative out of it. Segmenting your database like this can allow you to identify an entire group of people, LOW for example, and nurture them with a few encouraging email communications. You can try to get them back to your facility or discover other areas of interest (programs, volunteer activities) that will help you keep them involved and help them feel more connected to the overall mission of your organization. For a group like CRITICAL, you can identify these member units and try a more targeted, personalized approach (like a phone call). Getting ahead of their termination will likely have a greater success rate and will save you the headache of trying to win them back when they are already out the door.
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