Putting your community first means making them feel confident and secure at your facility. Your members depend on you to support them by creating a safe environment. By prioritizing your facility safety, you give your members the peace of mind they need for a worry-free experience.
Safety is one of your top priorities at your facility, especially when you’re caring for children. In addition to running background checks and verifying authorized pickups, securing your entrances with door access technology can help keep those within your facility safe. Let’s look at how door access technology makes it easy to ensure facility safety and keep your community secure.
What is Door Access Technology?
Door access technology refers to systems that control why can enter a facility or specific areas within it. This technology typically involves mechanisms like key cards or customer access points, which replace traditional locks and keys. Members are provided with these keycards, which are programmed to grant them access to certain parts of your facility based on their membership privileges.
Custom access points are a more advanced form of door access technology. This system allows you to tailor access permissions in a more granular way. Certain areas within your facility can be restricted to only staff and authorized individuals. This customization ensures that every zone of your facility is only accessible to people who have a legitimate reason to be there.
3 Ways Door Access Technology Improves Facility Safety
Why is this technology particularly important for nonprofit organizations? The answer lies in the unique nature of your operations.
Nonprofit community centers are vibrant hubs where members of all ages, especially children, gather and connect with each other. The diversity of these activities and the vulnerability of certain groups, like children and the elderly, make it imperative to have a robust facility safety system.
Here are three ways you can improve your facility safety with door access technology.
1. Manage External Access
Establishing who has access to your facility is the first step to improving your security. By limiting access to your verified members, you can stay aware of who’s visiting your facility at all times.
By using key cards, you can manage which members have access to your facility without overcomplicating the check-in process. Digital access points keep your parking garage and external doors secure by verifying each member that visits your facility.
2. Control Internal Flow
When you have children in your care, your internal security is just as important as your external access. There are some areas within your facility that visitors shouldn’t have access to.
To keep children safe, you need to control the flow of movement. Restricting access to certain areas within your building is vital to maintaining a safe environment for children, members, and staff.
Custom access points can keep members from wandering into the wrong places. Do you need to keep unchaperoned children away from your pool? Instead of hanging up a sign, you can limit pool access with a key card scanner. Whether you’re securing your locker rooms based on age or directing members away from staff-only offices, internal access points create a safer environment within your walls.
3. Defend Against Theft
It isn’t just your members that benefit from security. Community centers can often be targets for theft, so it’s important to set up systems that can protect your members’ belongings.
You can use custom access points to limit access to storage areas and locker rooms. The additional layer of security within your facility can keep your equipment and belongings safe from sticky hands. When your members know their personal items are safe, they’ll feel more confident.
When it comes to serving your community, keeping them safe is one of your top priorities. With the help of tech, you can strengthen your security and give your members some peace of mind.
Take the Next Step to Security
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