Leverage Document Storage in Daxko Operations and Daxko Accounting

Leverage Document Storage in Daxko Operations and Daxko Accounting

By Sara Perry
Published On Oct 01, 2020

Stop Wasting Time Chasing Papers!

You provide programming that promotes growth and inclusion for your community. The problem is that a robust program lineup can require a lot of paper. You have to manage sensitive member documents like W2s or TaxForms.

For many, this includes filing cabinets or online folders and can leave you feeling disorganized, constantly chasing papers. You need a solution that enables you and your members to manage those forms digitally.

That’s why we created our new document storage within Daxko Operations and Daxko Accounting!

Watch the webinar below to learn how our new document storage offering can improve your operational process by consolidating tools spent managing member forms.

Accelerate Your Mission with Document Storage 

1. Consolidate Tools and Time

Get rid of the wasteland of old filing cabinets and offsite storage of member forms. Empower your team to quickly access member forms digitally by storing documents on their membership profile in Daxko Operations. Naming conventions for member forms can also be configured to your associations business practices, saving your staff time and decreasing the number of tools dedicated to form management.


2. Increase Security of Member Forms

Many of the forms required for programs have sensitive member information such as W2 or Tax Forms. With online document management, your team can restrict form permission to limit staff access as well as delete or archive forms after the programs are completed in order to provide secure protection of sensitive data.


3. Improve Your Online Experience

Allow members to upload forms on their online account at their own convenience. Improve your online member experience and remove the requirement for families to visit the facility to drop off paperwork.

Schedule time with our team to begin using this solution today!

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