Daxko Operations Office Hours

Daxko Operations Office Hours

By Darshell Sawyers and Charlie Peters
Published On Oct 05, 2022

Daxko Operations Office Hours

Want to learn how to make the most of your membership offerings in-house and online? You’ve come to the right place! Join Darshell and Charlie for a Daxko Operations Office Hour where we will focus on Membership and Scheduling! This includes membership discounts, promo codes, scheduling orientations and visits, and even facility rentals! This open forum invites customers to drop in with questions on how Daxko Operations can streamline your processes and maximize your memberships. Bring your questions and let us share our knowledge and best practices around membership and scheduling! To get the most out of the session, send your questions ahead of time to darshell.sawyers@daxko.com and cpeters@daxko.com