It’s the season of renewal – personally and professionally. While many are making resolutions to join a fitness facility or creating bucket lists for the new year, we’d like to challenge your team to make a resolution to simplify your professional lives. Simplicity enables you to do more that you enjoy. Here are three ways to freshen up for the new year:
1. Consolidate your email marketing efforts.
Could you say that every department is on the same page as it relates to email marketing? Do you know what other teams at your organization are sending out? Is the content brand compliant? More often than not, the answer to at least one of these questions is no. Working for a community center, a fitness center, a child care provider, and a camp (among many other strengths) means your efforts are likely siloed. This is even more the case because non-profit team members juggle so many responsibilities. We sometimes work with customers who have their camp team using Emma, the Wellness team using Constant Contact and the Sales/Marketing using Campaign Monitor. Not only is that ineffective, but man, it gets expensive! In order to ensure your efforts are well received, a single source of truth is invaluable. A single source of truth means control over how much and when members receive information, who receives a message, a consistent portrayal of your brand image, and an integrated approach to member engagement. To toot our own horn, we recommend Daxko Engage because it is already integrated with your membership database.
2. Document processes and responsibilities
This one is easy. From a marketing perspective, it is crucial to have best practices in place around who can createcontent and who can releasecontent. Our most successful customers have a Member Engagement committee where different stakeholders and leaders come together to discuss what messaging to share when. Once discussed and approved, the person with the information will create some messaging using a template your marketing guru has approved. From there, a marketing team member will make adjustments and schedule the initiative to launch based on a content calendar to ensure members aren’t oversaturated with content.
3. Hold managers accountable
Picture this:Staff are having engaging conversations with your members because they genuinely believe in the mission of your organization and want to see people succeed. It’s not hard to picture, right? The perk of working for a non-profit means that your team members are on board with the mission and working to help members accomplish their goals. Assuming you have Daxko Engage to make it easier, there are two major reasons to log conversations that are alreadyhappening:
- You’ll move that one-to-one relationship to a one-to-many relationship – meaning that every single team member can build on that relationship and create exceptional experiences for your members.
- With a plethora of data, you are able to extract information to make important business decisions. For example, if half of the goal-related notes pertain to weight loss (looking at you, New Year’s Resolutions), it may be a time to offer programming geared towards those needs.
The idea is fantastic, but it will happen only if your managers are promoting the reason behind logging conversations and holding their team members accountable. As the directly responsible individual over member engagement, make it your mission to follow up with managers and ensure those conversations – whether to reward or coach team members – are happening. In doing these three things – consolidating marketing efforts, documenting processes and responsibilities, and holding supervisors accountable – you will start your new year fresh. Get everyone on board, and enjoy the version of you with more free time!
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