Digital giving is not new, but it represents a more significant share of total donations than ever before. According to the most recent Digital Donor Review, more than 30% of Americans donate digitally (either online or via text message). As millennials gain more disposable income, this number is likely to increase.Daxko sees a significant amount of digital giving through our Daxko Nation member organizations. Of the 230 organizations that are processing online gifts, they on average receive $7,174 pledges yearly online, with an average pledge being $194. This underlines the untapped pledge potential for organizations currently without online giving channels.
Wondering how you can improve your digital fundraising efforts or wondering how to begin a digital fundraising strategy? Here are some ideas to get you thinking:Bryan O’Rourke recently wrote a post featured on the NAYDO blog that gave excellent suggestions for those looking to enhance their fundraising campaigns in the online realm. One of his suggestions is to “use effective digital storytelling” by really showing digitally how you are impacting the community and those you serve. Want to learn more about digital storytelling? The Rockefeller Center has a guide, “Digital Storytelling for Social Impact” that has lots of ideas.
Don’t forget about social. Here are some ideas for how to include social media in your digital fundraising efforts.
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