Spam is defined as “to send the same message indiscriminately to (large number of recipients) on the internet.” It’s also short for “spiced ham” representing a common brand name for a canned meat product but that is for a different story. We are talking about the email kind of spam and your members don’t like it.
It has come to our attention that some software vendors will take advantage of YOUR members or program participants by using their information to promote other unrelated products or services. This is bad business and it can hurt your membership in the long run. Members that are spammed with unrelated services by the parent company of a software vendor may choose to terminate their relationship with your organization.
We work very hard to ensure Daxko customer contact information is only used by the YMCA, JCC, or community center where it belongs. We never contact members without the permission of their member organization and we NEVER sell them products or services unrelated to their membership.
When someone signs up for a membership at your center they expect their contact information to be used only for the purposes of that membership or by that center. Here are some tips to avoid having your member data used for the wrong purposes by a vendor:
1. Research that vendor thoroughly. Do they have complaints though the Better Business Bureau? You can usually find their information on their headquarter city Better Business Bureau website.
2. What about other online reviews? Yelp is a good source of company reviews. A simple google search can often produce signs that they have been embroiled in litigation due to bad business practices.
3. Talk to other customers. Have they had instances of members feeling burned because of their relationship with a vendor?You work hard to gain your member’s trust, don’t risk losing that trust by engaging the wrong vendor. Do your research to protect your member data prior to signing on with a vendor.
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