Recently, we posted 8 quick wins to get ahead of cancellations. Providing quick and actionable tips may help keep members active at your center now but to ensure they are with you for the long term, more strategic changes are needed. Data shows that on average, 48% of January joins have not checked-in over the last two weeks.* While many new members mistakenly think that more bells and whistles (A coffee bar! Fitness tracker integration!) will keep them committed, the biggest predictor of success is social connectedness. Encouraging members to connect with others will significantly increase the success of their engagement. Those connections can be a personal trainer, group exercise class, a gym buddy, or even having a person at the front desk that greets the member each day [Read more.]. Here are 4 strategic mindset changes to make with your staff to encourage new joins to stick with it throughout the year:
- Make Introductions: Whether you and your staff are working the front desk, or walking the floor – make a habit of introducing members to others with similar goals to spark engagement, accountability, and increase friendships.
- Seek Out Introverts: Do you always see a certain member using the treadmill alone, earphones in place, with little interaction with others? Make an extra effort to reach out to those members and compliment them for sticking with it!
- Make Your Center Less Scary: Reach out to members that look like they need extra help and make it a habit to introduce a new member to another machine or activity they might like. If they are always on the elliptical, maybe they’d enjoy spin class? Have a new member that is taking up running? Encourage them to work on their stamina with a low impact elliptical. By introducing new machines/activities into their routine you’ll help members feel more empowered to try new things, you’ll keep them interested and, encourage cross-training.
- Offer Rewards: Encourage members to treat themselves after they work so hard. Look for non-food items to give-out that congratulates members for staying the course!
*Statistic based on Daxko Operations customer data
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