Billing Frequently Asked Questions
Whom should I contact if I have billing questions?
Contact us at billing@daxko.com
What is “launch date”?
Launch date is the day our implementation team delivers your live site of our product. This date is used as your official start of your service with Daxko as well as when your billing begins. It is used to determine your 12 month service year anniversary date.
What is a Form A?
Form A is the form that Daxko uses to calculate your monthly service fees. You are required to send us an updated Form A each year and will incur late fees when it is not provided on time. Your Form A is due 6 months after your fiscal year end and will be used to calculate your service fees. A great place to start when filling out this form is by referencing your 990 tax form or your Y-USA annual revenue form.
How are my monthly service fees calculated?
Please refer to your Daxko service agreement for your specific fee calculation, but typically, fees are a percentage of your total revenue as reported on line 33 of your Form A.
When will we be billed for implementation upfront fees?
Your implementation (one time) upfront fees will be billed in accordance to the service agreement in the month that we receive and process the signed agreement. The invoice will be emailed to you and the fees will be drafted from your designated bank account at the end of the month.
When will we get billed for the first time for monthly recurring charges?
There are two possible events that can trigger your initial monthly bill:
- Your organization has launched on the software. After launching, an invoice will be sent via email in the month following your launch date. The invoice will include prorated charges for the month you launched, and the current month’s service fees.
- Your organization has reached the minimum required time to launch. Should your contract contain a clause dictating the minimum amount of time required to launch, you will be billed within that time frame. Please refer to your contract for additional details regarding the minimum required time to launch.
Fees will be drafted from your designated bank account at mid-month (typically the 15th of each month).
When will we be billed for other charges such as processor change, post launch training, key cards, or other fees that are non-recurring charges?
Once we receive the agreement, we will send an invoice via email and draft your designated bank account at the end of the month. Please note that for the months that you have these charges, your account will be drafted twice; first at mid-month for your regular recurring monthly service fees and the second draft at the end of the month (for the non-recurring charges).
Do we get an invoice sent to us before we are drafted?
Yes. Your invoice for any fees will be sent to you or your designated billing contact via email before the draft date.
If you are not receiving your invoice(s), or you wish to update who receives your invoices, please send an email to billing@daxko.com with the name, title, and email address of the individual(s) we should send your invoices to.
Can we pay by credit card or check instead of ACH?
No, we draft service fees from a designated bank account for all of our customers to make it easier and less expensive for everyone. This process is detailed in your service agreement.
How and when are Daxko Operations credit card and EFT transactions fees billed?
Your current month’s invoice includes the Credit card and EFT transaction fees for the previous month. For example: Your April invoice will include Credit card and EFT fees for March.
How do I get a copy of an invoice?
Sometimes our invoices are caught in spam folders, so check there first. If you don’t find it, please email billing@daxko.com and ask for your invoice copy. To make sure you don’t have problems in the future; ask your IT department to whitelist the domain name “daxkomain.wpengine.com” A complete list of the IP address and domain names to whitelist can be found here: Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges
Please remember to let us know whenever you have a change or update in your staff so that we can update your invoice recipients.
How do I signup or find more information on your products/services?
Contact us at sales@daxko.com
I need help/support with your products.
Contact us via:
- Email: support@daxko.com
- Telephone: 800-478-6020 (7 a.m. – 6 p.m. CST)
- Live Chat: 8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. CT
- System Admin Portal: available 24/7