Marcy Yanus and The YMCA of Central Ohio Find Freedom

Marcy Yanus and The YMCA of Central Ohio Find Freedom

By Sara Perry
Prior to fall of 2019, the Vice President of Operations Marcy Yanus and the YMCA of Central Ohio felt limited and stuck with their complex member management system. In November, they joined the Daxko Nation and found the freedom to thrive and accelerate their mission with a partner that understands their business and a solution built for nonprofits.
Listen to their story and learn how you can find freedom too.

“When you are working with that customized solution, almost everything is built from the ground zero, creating tremendous amount of work downstream. Being able to work with a partner like Daxko, where there are years of knowledge and experience built in and baked into the product, we felt even more supported from day one.”

Brad McCain, CFO of the YMCA of Central Ohio

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