The Top 5 Takeaways of the 2023 General Assembly of YMCAs

The Top 5 Takeaways of the 2023 General Assembly of YMCAs

By Sara Perry
Published On Aug 02, 2023

After a week of enlightening discussions, interactive sessions, and laughs with friends, the 2023 General Assembly has come to a close.

Daxko firmly believes in the power of shared learning and the ability to inspire change through insights. General Assembly is ripe with opportunities for YMCA leaders to connect, share their knowledge, and learn from others, and this year’s event was no exception. The Daxko team spent the entire event talking with YMCA leaders about their biggest needs and how they’re making an impact.

Here’s what we learned:

Attendees engaging with a presentation at the Daxko booth

1. Software Should Make Your Life Easier, Not Harder

One theme that echoed throughout the 2023 General Assembly was the need for technology that simplifies processes rather than complicating them. It’s not about adopting technology for technology’s sake; it’s about empowering YMCA staff and volunteers to tackle daily challenges with ease and efficiency.

The Daxko team heard heartfelt anecdotes from YMCAs struggling to manage their tasks amidst limited resources, emphasizing the urgency for software that genuinely lightens their load. We were inspired to see the dedication to simplicity and efficiency. Technology should be an ally, not a burden.

2. It’s Time to Get Creative With Hiring and Retention

General Assembly shed light on a pressing concern affecting YMCAs nationwide: hiring and retaining staff. Many YMCAs are struggling to hire and keep talented staff members, which can have far-reaching effects on an organization’s overall success.

It quickly became clear that this struggle is at the forefront of strategic planning for most YMCAs. From having difficulty staffing childcare programs to facing ambitious membership growth targets with limited resources, YMCAs are feeling the pressure of a tough job market. The passion to create a positive impact on their communities is leading many Ys to tackle the challenge head-on with creative hiring and retention efforts.

3. Ys Want to Make More Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

As the movement continues to grow and evolve, the importance of effective marketing can’t be overstated. At General Assembly, it was clear that YMCAs are eager to optimize their marketing strategies and reach more community members, but they face difficulties in measuring the true impact of those efforts.

Many leaders expressed the need for more resources that track the impact of marketing dollars on their Ys. Exploring data analytics tools like marketing performance dashboards can make a huge difference for YMCAs wanting to make informed decisions, optimize their campaigns, and ensure their resources are used effectively.

A Daxko team member and General Assembly attendee hugging

4. The Movement’s Focus on Inclusion is Incredible

One of the most inspiring aspects of the 2023 General Assembly was witnessing the YMCA’s dedication to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI&B). The open discussions on challenging topics and focus on multicultural leadership development demonstrated the movement’s unwavering dedication to creating a truly inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

Implementing inclusive practices will undoubtedly have a ripple effect throughout Ys, positively impacting the communities they serve and leaving a lasting legacy of unity and strength.

5. The Movement is More Energized Than Ever

The energy at the 2023 General Assembly was infectious and inspiring! Witnessing passionate YMCA leaders and staff connecting, sharing their successes, and exchanging knowledge was a powerful reminder of the transformative impact YMCAs have on their communities.

The dedication of those who power change through YMCAs is unparalleled. The Daxko team was so honored to witness it firsthand at General Assembly, and we can’t wait to watch communities thrive as a result.

Missed Us at General Assembly?

If you didn’t get a chance to stop by the Daxko booth, don’t worry. Schedule a free consultation with the team to learn how Daxko’s products can aid in operational efficiency, member retention, community impact, and overall YMCA growth.

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