Should Disaster Strike, Daxko Has You Covered

Should Disaster Strike, Daxko Has You Covered

By Sara Perry
Published On Apr 05, 2016

A disaster can strike anywhere, anytime so planning for the worst scenario can give you the best outcome should an unfortunate event arise. The average time it takes a business to recover after a disaster is 18.5 hours.

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are integral parts of overall risk management for an organization. Daxko continually works to improve its disaster recovery and business continuity plans. In the unlikely event that our entire data center becomes disabled via a catastrophic event (natural disaster, terrorism, etc.), we can have Daxko Operations up and running again in a completely new data center on the other side of the country in just 72 minutes. That’s right, 72 minutes. Not two days without your data. Not eight hours without your system. Just 72 minutes to replicate your entire system in a data center on the other side of the country. No other provider can come close to offering that speed and peace of mind.According to Matt Cook, Daxko Director of TechOps:

“Our team has applied considerable effort and expertise over the past year to ensure our customers experience minimal negative impact even in the case of a highly unlikely scenario.By testing our disaster recovery plan each quarter, we learn invaluable lessons with each test and continuously improve. We’ve had plans before, but actually practicing these scenarios gives our team the confidence that in a real world event, we will be successful.”

Creating a redundant data center in a different physical location with the ability to switch over at a moment’s notice is no small task and it would be difficult for an organization to do alone. This is one area where the large network of Daxko Operations customers benefit from each other and their shared interests. The technical team at Daxko knows taking the time to create, fine-tune, and practice a disaster recovery plan will pay dividends if the need ever arises.

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