Meet the 2023 General Assembly of YMCAs Team

Meet the 2023 General Assembly of YMCAs Team

By Sara Perry
Published On Jun 07, 2023

The people are what truly make Daxko special. As we gear up for General Assembly, we’re thrilled to introduce you to some amazing team members who will be joining us in Atlanta. They come from rich YMCA backgrounds, including former YMCA staff and even YMCA childcare alumni. These incredible individuals are the faces that embody the spirit of Daxko. Keep an eye out for future spotlights as we unveil more incredible members of the Daxko General Assembly team.

Carly Chance
Associate Product Manager – ReClique CORE

1. Tell us about your experience with the Y.

I had the privilege of being a part of the YMCA for seven years, taking on various roles that kept me constantly engaged. From working at the front desk to eventually becoming a Membership Director, I wore many hats during my time there. One particular highlight was when I had the opportunity to be a part of the Beta testing for ReClique CORE back in 2017. Being involved in its development and witnessing its transformation into a system that truly caters to both staff and members was an amazing experience.

2. How do you see your role contributing to the Movement?

As the Associate Product Manager, my previous experience as a user and customer of our products gives me a unique perspective. I understand the needs and challenges faced by our staff and members firsthand. In my role, I strive to ensure that ReClique remains reliable, responsive, and, most importantly, innovative. By actively listening to the valuable feedback from our staff and members, I aim to contribute to the continuous feedback from our staff and members, I aim to contribute to the continuous improvement of our solutions and make a positive impact on the YMCA Movement.

3. What are you most excited for at General Assembly this year?

During my time at the YMCA, I didn’t have many opportunities to attend events like this, so it feels like a new adventure for me. I’m really looking forward to meeting and connecting with more Daxko team members, as it will strengthen our bond and make me feel even more like a part of the team. General Assembly is a chance for me to expand my professional network, learn from others, and share experiences that will shape my journey further.

Darshell Sawyers
Associate Product Manager – Daxko Operations

1.     Tell us about your experience with the Y

The Y has been an integral part of my life since childhood, engraving cherished memories of summer camp adventures and afterschool study hall with my siblings. As I matured, the YMCA took on a more significant role, offering my family a haven of comfort and a vibrant community. Whether it was after-school activities, weekends at the pool, or joyous birthday celebrations, the Y was always there, embracing us with its warmth and inclusivity.

Throughout the years, I have witnessed firsthand the growth and evolution of my local YMCA. Yet, amidst the changes, one constant prevails—the profound impact it continues to have on the community. The Y remains a steadfast beacon of community and a sense of belonging for all who step through its doors.

As I reflect on my personal journey with the YMCA, I am filled with gratitude for the lasting memories, the relationships nurtured, and the transformative experiences it has provided me and my family!

2.     How do you see your role contributing to the Movement

As a dedicated product manager, my role serves as a crucial bridge between customers and developers, ensuring a deep understanding of needs and delivering optimal solutions. Throughout my experience, I have had the privilege of collaborating directly with YMCA partners of all sizes, gaining invaluable insights into their overarching mission and distinctive organizational goals. This encompassed delving into both the day-to-day tasks and strategic plans aimed at achieving that mission. I firmly believe that Daxko’s partnership with the Movement holds significant importance in leveraging technology to empower the YMCA to amplify its impact, reach a broader audience, and fulfill its mission with heightened efficiency and effectiveness. Together, we can pave the way for transformative solutions that drive positive change and empower individuals and communities.

3.     What are you most excited for at General Assembly this year?

Throughout my tenure, I’ve had the privilege of engaging with numerous YMCA customers, whether it be through phone conversations, emails, or virtual meetings on platforms like Zoom. However, there’s a distinct thrill when I have the chance to meet our YMCA partners face-to-face. The genuine connections and shared enthusiasm that arise from those in-person encounters are truly exceptional!

As the General Assembly Conference approaches, I eagerly anticipate attending this event for the first time. I’ve heard resounding praise for the vibrant atmosphere and the multitude of opportunities to forge meaningful connections. It fills me with excitement to engage with our esteemed partners, deepening existing relationships and fostering new connections. Moreover, I’m thrilled to showcase the latest and most exciting tools from Daxko, sharing how they can revolutionize the way YMCA organizations operate and further enhance their impact on the community.

Kathryn Smith
Director of Sales Enablement

1. Tell us about your experience with the Y.

I’ve been working with YMCAs for 12 years at Daxko.  The YMCA movement is special to me because it is based on Christian principles and how that impacts a person’s whole life – mind, body, and spirit!   There is a concept we’ve talked about at Daxko called the “3rd place”.  Most people spend time in 3 places – home, work, and a 3rd location – that 3rd place for some is church, a community center, or even a coffee shop.  The YMCA is the 3rd place for so many and the impact is incredible.

2. How do you see your role contributing to the Movement?

I started my Daxko career working with newly launching customers as a trainer.  I loved getting to be most people’s first interaction with the company and teaching them efficient ways to serve members on the front lines.  Now working on the Sales Enablement side, I love getting to put systems in place to help our team better identify solutions to help our customers grow and work with strategic accounts to better adopt, grow revenue, and impact more people.

3. What are you most excited for at General Assembly this year?

My first time attending GA was in Kansas City and my mind was blown to see that many people come together in one place with the same mission.  I love that it feels like a family reunion!

Crystal Montana
Client Executive

1.     Tell us about your experience with the Y

I didn’t know much about the Y before coming to Daxko. Since joining, I have learned about the incredible impact they have on their communities from the water safety initiatives to their inclusive missions to their collective effort to turn no one away due to their inability to pay. It is an honor to work tirelessly to help expand those efforts and missions with our partners every day.

2.     How do you see your role contributing to the Movement

Providing solutions that take care of the day-to-day tasks that are vital to our Y’s operations so that staff can focus on what really matters: the people who walk through their doors and their communities they can impact. But more than that – working with so many Ys across the country means I get insight into overarching business needs and creative solutions. I am able to bring those ideas together to grow that impact that is so instrumental in having meaningful connections and impact on communities across the country.

3.     What are you most excited for at General Assembly this year?

2019 General Assembly was incredible – seeing so many Ys come together; it was easy to feel the energy that the movement creates. I’m most excited to see so many partners again finally! Ys know how to have a good time, and I’m excited to see my friends again.

Kayla Ann Tadasa
Senior Team Lead, Team Account Management

1. Tell us about your experience with the Y.

My experience with the Y didn’t really begin until I started at Daxko. Growing up, I thought the YMCA was the place that my best friend got to go to during the summer and that I didn’t. I had no idea how much the Y really did for their communities until getting to know them over the past 11 years at Daxko.

2. How do you see your role contributing to the Movement?

I’m hoping that my role can help strengthen the relationships that we have with our YMCA partners to ensure we are helping drive the mission and impacts that being made on the communities they serve.

3. What are you most excited for at General Assembly this year?

GA feels like one big family reunion. I can’t wait to see all of the faces that we haven’t had a chance to see since pre-covid!

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