It's a Lot of Pressure to Write a Subject Line about Subject Lines

It's a Lot of Pressure to Write a Subject Line about Subject Lines

By Sara Perry
Published On Apr 09, 2018

I’m one of those people who checks my email first thing in the morning and screenshots email design ideas. I know that probably isn’t normal, but there is nothing that makes me happier, as a person who cares about design, than getting an email the day before Valentine’s Day with the subject line “Roses are FF1919, violets are 1C86EE.”

Get it…? Hex codes…?

I want to share a few tips for creating a smashing subject line that will get attention, get clicks, and most importantly establish trust with your customers.

1. Be descriptive.

When a member clicks into an email, they should have a good idea of the email’s content based on the subject line. Your goal should be to convey as much information as possible while still attracting interest.


Confirmed: Registration for Super Summer Camp

Zumbathons are more fun with you!

Weather Closure Updates

2. What’s in it for me?

Your members want to see the benefits of membership and any additional value you can bring. A great way to show them what’s in it for them is to divulge exactly what benefit some action has to that individual (whether it is opening the email itself or attending a class).


5 Reasons you should…

Do you think you can (benefit)?

Finally! YOU can now access our ____

3. Keep it short.

Subject lines must be short, or else they’ll be truncated! This can make for some awkward moments. A good rule of thumb is to keep subject lines 65 characters or less. I strongly recommend testing subject lines (and body previews) to see how they look in your inbox.EXAMPLES:

Charlie took control of his weight.

3 ways to be more active today

Discover (subject) that will benefit your overall wellbeing.

4. Be WEIRD.

First and foremost, make sure you comply with your brand, image, and voice guidelines before going too far outside of the box. However, fun subject lines help members establish a relationship with your brand and provoke interest.


Zumba, the pool, and you. What do they have in common?

Mondays are now AWESOME at the Daxko Family Center

Happy 119th Birthday!

Just starting out in the world of email design? Here are a few free resources:

Really Good Emails – Their newsletter is email gold!

Hubspot Email Marketing Certification

Engagement Insider Newsletter – Sign up for the monthly newsletter all about Daxko Engage!

Canva – Don’t have fancy image design software? Try this tool!

Grammarly – I know it isn’t an “email resource,” but… have you ever sent out an email with an embarrassing typo? This will help you avoid that.

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