Following Up on Feedback

Following Up on Feedback

By Sara Perry
Published On Jan 05, 2017

It’s the new year! As I am sure you are at this time of year, we are goal setting. We want to be the Most Loved software partner in the health & fitness space and that isn’t just a 2017 goal it is our vision for the future…and we believe your feedback is a big part of what will help us achieve that goal.

Ever wonder what happens after you complete our survey?

As a follow up to my last blog post, I want to give you an update on our actions since our most recent request for your feedback on how we can get better at providing you and your organization. Our mission is to become the Most Loved and in order to do that, we must earn your trust and deliver exceptional experiences with every interaction you have with our team and our products.

We want to thank the 550+ people who took the time to share opinions and experiences with us. We learned a lot from the survey comments and we were able to find themes throughout the comments that helped us uncover actionable items.

Our team reached out to over 180 respondents to get more information on your comments in order to take appropriate actions. Here’s just a few of the outcomes you can expect from the feedback we received:

  1. Improved communication on our product road map including delivery timeframes
  2. Enhancements to our training offerings for all platforms
  3. Friday Free Consulting time for our CSI Spectrum customers (and the same offer stands for our Daxko Operations customers as always!)
  4. Webinars showcasing product release enhancements and best practices
  5. Consistency in system performance and fast resolution to long term cases

This isn’t the end of the story. We will continue reaching out to more of you each quarter following our survey to ensure everyone has a chance to be heard. Of course, your input is welcome at any time outside of our quarterly surveys as well.

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